May 2, 2011

Cathy Spude: Still determined to belittle Soapy's contribution to history.

Cathy Spude is still determined to "prove" that Soapy is not worthy of his history. For those who may not recall who Cathy is, she is a historian who for whatever reason does not like Soapy Smith.  Cathy and I and I have debated and argued the issue for years now. Predictably she wrote a bad review of my book and continues to ignore my research when discussing hers to others. On the discussion forum she writes.

New Soapy Book to be published

Hi Jeff:

I just signed a contract with the University of Oklahoma Press to publish SOAPY SMITH: HIS LEGEND AND AMERICAN MYTH. They and their reviewers loved my manuscript and have agreed to publish within the next year. It will include 48 illustrations in about 300 pages, discussing only Smith's Alaska months, the legend that grew out of them, and how that legend contributed to the Myth of the American Frontier, in much the same way as the legends of Wyatt Earp, Jesse James, and Wild Bill Hickock through the medium of popular culture. Please see my recently updated website:

One thing the peer reviewers asked for was a more in-depth discussion of your book, something I will give them. It will be much along the lines of what I have already said in my Alaska History review. As you have urged (although my book is about the Alaska days), I will be sure to read the book through, cover to cover, in intense detail.


So for her book, Cathy Spude will supply more discussion of my book after she reads the rest of it, not just the portion she read to write her review of it. And what she will write, she says, "will be much along the lines of what I have already said in my Alaska History review." I wonder why she will bother to read the other 3/5s when she already knows what she will write about it?

Here are links to other posts on this blog pertaining to this topic:
November 21, 2010
November 15, 2010
November 15, 2010
October 8, 2009
September 22, 2009
August 4, 2009
August 3, 2009
July 30, 2009
For the rest you can write "Cathy Spude" in the search box and click the magnifying glass logo.

Jeff Smith


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